
Members of the MARC research team participate in a number of cooperative international organizations that are working to define, address and solve issues related to modified asphalts.

Current Industry Partners

International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems, and Structures (RILEM)

MARC members serve on several RILEM technical committees, including Technical Committee 206-ATB on Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials. Hussain Bahia chairs this committee's Task Group 2 on HMA compaction methods and models.

Task Group 2 Website
RILEM Technical Committee 206-ATB Website

International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP)

MARC research team members serve on ISAP's Technical Committee on Constitutive Modeling of Asphaltic Materials. Hussain Bahia chairs the recently established Working Group 07 on Bitumens and Mastics. Codrin Daranga, Carl Johnson and Andrew Hanz are also active participants from UW.

WG07 Website (click on the WG's tab)

Construction Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Hussain Bahia serves as chair of ASCE's Bituminous Materials Committee. UW's Haifang Wen is also a participant on this committee.

Bituminous Materials Committee's Statement of Purpose and Website

International Journal on Road Materials and Pavement Design

Hussain Bahia is an editor-in-chief of this publication, which addresses “mechanical, thermal, chemical and/or physical properties of bitumens, additives, bituminous mixes, asphalt concrete, cement concrete, unbound granular materials, soils, geo-composites, new and innovative materials, as well as mix design, soil stabilization, and environmental aspects of handling and re-use of road materials.”

The Journal's Website